All chests on the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8


We show you where all the chests in Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8 are located.

On the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8, you can find several dozen chests with valuable loot. Now we’ll show you on the map exactly where they are located.

All the chests in the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8

The difficulty of finding chests in the Golden Apple Archipelago is that the chests are often hidden in dungeons that must first be passed. A prime example of this is the dungeons of Kazuhi. In this guide, we’ve detailed its walkthrough – read on and collect some common, precious, and rich chests as you go.

Now let’s get to the maps. You’ll be able to find 19 regular chests. They are mostly concentrated in the Fractured Island area:

A few of the marked chests are supposedly offshore, such as near Pudding Island. But this is an illusion – in fact, they are in the dungeons.

As for the rich chests, there are exactly 13 of them in the Golden Apple Archipelago:

They are mostly concentrated around Fractured Island and Pudding Island. There is also a locked chest south of Fractured Island on a small island that you will have to unlock:

There are also additional chests that are unlocked after completing the jellyfish trials – in this guide we showed you where these jellyfish are and what to do with the cloud steps.

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