How to discover the path Jacob took in Genshin Impact


Here’s how to unlock the path Jacob took in the Discarded Chevron quest in Genshin Impact 2.8.

The Discarded Chevron quest in Genshin Impact 2.8, part of the Disjointed Past quest chain, asks you to figure out how to unlock the path Jacob took. We will now tell you how to do it.

Figure out how to unlock the path Yaakov took in Genshin Impact

According to the story, you will find yourself in this location – the search location will be marked with a yellow circle.

Activate this totem first:

Then this one:

Afterwards, set fire to this totem:

Next, activate this totem:

Next, activate this totem:

Climb up the air stream to the top:

You will be taken to the teleporter. Once in the new location, talk to a Fatui named Chewka. After the dialogue, run to the marker. There you will find Jacob.

Communicate with him and then with Chevka and Paimon. After that, the quest will be completed. After that, continue on with the”Disjointed Past” quest chain – you’ll just have to put the shells back in place and get the main rewards (we told you how to do it in the link’s guide).

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