How to open Rennala’s chest in Raya Lucaria’s library in Elden Ring and get the Dark Moon ring


After defeating Rennala in the Elden Ring in Raya Lucaria, you will find a chest. However, you will not be able to open Rennala’s chest immediately, as you must first obtain the Academy’s Magic Key. This guide details exactly where you can find this key, which will allow them to open the chest of the Raii Lucaria Library and get the reward that is inside.

How to open the chest of the Raya Lucaria Academy library

It should be noted that a whole line of quests must be completed to provide accurate information on how to obtain the Discarded Academy Key. For those players who would prefer to avoid such massive spoilers, it will suffice to say that the corresponding quest line begins after talking to Ranni in Ranni’s tower e after defeating Loretta at Caria Manor. These two locations are in the northwest corner of Liorniai, and players who don’t want to know any more are advised to stop reading.

After offering to serve Ranni the witch in Ranni’s tower, players must talk to the NPC below and again to Ranni to get permission to leave the tower. Then players must go to Nocron, retrieve the Finger Killer Blade from the large chest in the Sacred Land of Night and return it to the witch. For the uninitiated, here is a detailed description of exactly how to get to Nocron:

  • Defeat Radan in the castle of Red Mane;
  • Go to the Edge of Mist on the east of the Castle and go southeast to get to the column of floating stones;
  • Carefully descend into the pit to reach a series of tunnels leading to Nochron.

After talking to Ranni, you’ll get a Karian upside-down statue to put on a pedestal in the Karian Reading Room east of the city of Academy Gate in Lournia. Then you must go through the Upside Down Reading Room, proceed to the Sacred Tower of Lournia and retrieve the Mark of Death. With this item in hand, players must return to the Tower of Ranni, climb the stairs to the northeast and use the portal at the top.

Players will now find themselves on the main River Einsel, and they should loot a key item of Ranni’s miniature, which is in the open coffin in front of them. This item should then be taken to the nearby Place of Grace, where you should rest before re-selecting”talk to Miniature Rannie” to trigger the dialogue. Players must now find and defeat the Shadow at the foot of the tower west of Noxtella near the Ainsel River, and the route to take is shown in the video above.

Once the Shadow is defeated, you will receive the Discarded Academy Key, and you can now return to Raya Lucaria Academy to open Rennala’s chest. For those wondering, the item in the chest is the Dark Moon ring, and it plays an important role in completing Renny’s quest line.

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