Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds – Boss Tips


In this article, let’s go over a few things about the world bosses in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

Field bosses appear every six hours. According to MSC – 6am, 12 noon, 6pm and 24:00pm. Thus, there are four bosses per day. To get to the world bosses you can through the tab in the menu, which will be available at level 18, although you can get to them anyway, if you know their location. Reward will still come to you, the most important thing is to hit it at least a few times.

When you’re fighting with the boss, make sure you have the boss icon next to your name, it means you’re taking part in his elimination, and therefore receive a reward. After you are killed, go back to the boss more quickly so that the icon is not lost and you can complete the fight. To do this quickly, you must either move through the group leader or through selecting the boss on the map.

Should disable the screen boss, this is done in the menu. Went to the menu, then below you click on the gear and the tab will be “Screensaver – Boss”, press Off.

When fighting the boss switch weapons, this gives 50% of the buff.

As a reward for killing field bosses, you pass a Combat Pass. You’ll also get chests containing codex items and rocks to enhance your gear. You will also be given tokens, which are exchanged for skills.


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