Where to Find and Buy the Phantom Lily of the 4th, 5th and 6th Lv in the Elden Ring


In Elden Ring the Ghost Glovewort is an item that is needed to improve the Spirit Ashes. For those who want to enhance their Spirit Ashes to +4, +5 and +6, you need Ghost Glovewort levels 4, 5 and 6, which can be found all over the map. You can also buy them, and this guide details how to do so.

How to get lots of Level 4, 5 and 6 Ghost Lilies

Before you can acquire Ghost Lily of levels 4, 5 and 6, you must obtain the Bell Spheres of the Ghost Lily Gatherer [2]. This key item can be found in a chest in Knockstill, which is part of the Einsel River area. The following video shows you how to get to the Bell Sphere chest if you start at the main place of grace on the Einsel River. Also below the video is a description of how to get to this Place of Grace, but fans should be aware that it contains numerous spoilers related to Ranney’s quest line in the Elden Ring.

How to get to the main river of Einsel

  • Defeat Loretta at the Caria Manor in the northwest corner of Liornia;
  • Talk to Ranni in Ranni’s tower;
  • Choose to serve her and talk to the NPC below to leave the tower;
  • Defeat Boss Radan in the Castle of Red Mane;
  • Go to the Outskirts of the Misty Forest on the east of Zamogillya and move southeast;
  • Find a column of floating stones and descend into the pit to access a series of tunnels leading to Nokron;
  • Take the Finger Killer Blade from the chest in and take it to Ranny.
  • Take the Karian upside-down statue to the Karian Reading Room and place it on the pedestal;
  • Pass through the Upside Down Reading Room and go to the Sacred Tower of Lyurnia to pick up the Mark of Death; !-7- !
  • Visit the Tower of Renna e northeast of the Tower of Ranni, climb the stairs and use the teleporter at the top.

Where to use the bell of the ghostly glove collector [2]

Having moved to Knockstella and obtained the Bell Spheres of the Ghost Glove Collector [2], you must take it to the Old Twin Maidens in the Round Table Fortress. Once this offering is made, ghostly lilies of levels 4, 5 and 6 will appear in the merchants’ inventory and you can buy an unlimited amount of these materials, as long as you have runes to spare.

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