Discarded Chevron in Genshin Impact – How to Find a Chevron


Here’s how to find an old chevron in the”Discarded Chevron” quest in Genshin Impact, which belongs to the”Fragmented Past” quest chain.

After completing the Lost Photo quest within the Disjointed Past quest chain in the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact 2.8, you will receive the following. It will be called the Discarded Chevron. In it you will find the old chevron for the Electro Hammer.

Discarded Chevron in Genshin Impact – how to find a chevron

Go to Danger Island.

On the ledge of the cliff, just above the arch, you will find Electro Hammer. We talked about how to get there in this guide. After chatting with the poor unarmed Fatui, you learn that he has lost his favorite chevron. You need to get it back.

Where to find the old chevron in Genshin Impact 2.8

Swim to Pudding Island.

Get to the southeast shore and run along the water, just below the west cliff. You will see a light in the water – go up to it and pick up the chevron.

Go back to Fatua and give him the chevron. In the dialogue with him you’ll learn that the people who arrived on the island Fatua had a mission. You will learn the details later. In the meantime, help the Hammerhead find Jacob’s Geo Spellcaster by opening a passageway. Once you reach the marker, you’ll find Jacob unconscious. This will end the quest and you will get primogems, mora, adventure experience and hero experience books.

After that, continue with the quest chain”Disjointed Past” – we told you what to do next.


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