Sea Salt Covered Key in the Genshin Impact – Where to Find


We tell you where to find the sea salt covered key in Genshin Impact and what it’s for (which door it’s for).

Next to Danger Island in Genshin Impact 2.8 you can find a sea salt covered key. There is nothing in its description to suggest how to use it. Now we will tell you where to find the key and which door it is from.

Where to find the key covered with sea salt in Genshin Impact

Go to this island near Danger Island.

Look for the ruins and jump into the hole there. When you find the usual chest, climb through the hole in the wall. Kill the hilichurl and smash the stones next to it with your two-handed sword or any Geo Spell. Go into the passage and explore the wall next to the tree branches – there will be an asterisk. Once explored, get a sea salt covered key.

What to do with the sea salt covered key – which door is it from?

Go to this part of Danger Island

By the shore you will see a pond. Use it to switch the state of the island – this will reveal to you the ruins of the past. Follow the stairs to the top, turn left. Once inside, turn the lever near the arch above the lantern. Then go to the next room and turn another lever over the pile of stones. The lattice on the ceiling will open up to you – use the stone steps and the vines to reach it.

At the top, fight the hilichurls, then activate the grille – it will open because you have a salt-coated sea key. Go inside and pick up the second salt-covered sea key in one of the vases. This is your main reward.

Moving on, you’ll see a barred passageway. To unlock it, smash all seven vases in the location (as quickly as possible). You’ll get a rich chest and you’ll be able to pass.

Afterwards, you will see a star that will start to fly away as you approach. Follow it to the puzzle. This is how you will lead the star to the device. You will need to find another one – go to the break in the wall to the right of the device, walk along the wall and find another star. Bring her in. The puzzle will be solved and you will be able to go further.

What to do with the second key covered in sea salt?

Nothing is yet known about this at the time of writing this guide.


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